Emotional Intelligence
It is no secret today that EQ (Emotional Intelligence) is critical to the success of leaders and team members. In today’s competitive and fast-paced workplace, effective leadership is more than a measure of skills and IQ. They must possess the right values, behaviors and emotions – using their emotional intelligence to influence leadership and drive team performance.
Assesses emotional intelligence, the ability to identify and manage your own and others' emotions. Based on the Hogan Personality Inventory and Hogan Development Survey, the easy-to-understand report provides an overall EQ score, as well as scores and feedback for six emotional competencies. The report also includes a summary of likely behaviors, score pros and cons, and discussion points. Sample Report
Measures the interaction between a person and the environment he/she operates in. Assessing and evaluating an individual’s emotional intelligence can help establish the need for targeted development programs and measures. This, in turn, can lead to dramatic increases in the person’s performance, interaction with others, and leadership potential. The development potentials the EQ-i 2.0 identifies, along with the targeted strategies it provides, make it a highly effective employee development tool.